Jul 10Liked by Introvert Comics, Kamala rocks!

That would crater our economy! Who's going to pick the fruits and vegetables? Who's going to mow the lawns? Who's going to build the houses and apartments? Who's going to clean the hotel/motel rooms, cook the food? What a short-sighted a$$! He hires immigrants all the time, both legal and undocumented. WTAF?

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Why did you pick those jobs specifically? You think they're not intelligent enough for anything buy mowing lawns? Cleaning hotels? Ya know. I'm an autobody tech. I work along side several Hispanic dudes. Most in their 40s. One has a sister, who's an RN! Another has a son going to the UofA getting his masters degree. Every single one of the people I just spoke of, are voting for the same man I am. TRUMP. They're tired, and we're all tired of the left and their racist bs. Exactly like your post. Limiting these people to jobs like that.. nobody is above working for a paycheck.. but christ. Think before you post stuff like this. Demeaning as all hell.

Final note. Out of the seven Latinos I'm talking about, came here legally over 10 years ago. Still speak broken English, but I have so much respect for them... ya wanna know what pisses them off to no end? They had to bust their butt's to come here, the correct way, and now.... just get an app and hop over! They've told me, in public, they NOW feel more judged than ever saying the ones coming here now have ruined the reputation they all worked so hard for.

Nice job, democrats (not just you.. I'm not putting this 100% on your shoulders, except for the 1st part)

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Part 2: I guess there is a character limit? My reply got cut off. I'm in California and have many Hispanic/Latino friends and colleagues, and I absolutely know they're just as intelligent, motivated, and hard-working as anyone else. Of course many of them are capable of doing, and ARE doing much more than menial jobs, and God bless them for it! I hope I have clarified my position and intent. I meant no disrespect at all, and I am angry about Trump’s plan to round up all immigrants and put them in camps - horrible thing to do!

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Part 3: Your Latino friends will be disappointed, if Trump becomes president again, because they'll be rounded up and put in internment camps and eventually deported, regardless of their citizenship status. You might want to look into "Project 2025" which is Trump's plan of action if he's elected. The plan might surprise you and your friends. 🌺🙂

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Oh. I forgot to speak on this. I've done a fair amount of research on p25.

It wasn't Trumps baby at all. Thr media has made LOOK like it is. But.. Trumps an attention whore ain't no way he's gonna follow someone else's plan. If he did that, he wouldn't get full credit for it. His flaws effectively benefit America in several ways.. but especially p25...

Safe this chat. IF Trump wins.. I want you to put me on blast for saying this if I turn put to be wrong...

He will deport illegal immigrants. But he won't be throwing these people in no camps. That would reflect poorly on him.. so. Reach back in time.. well see how it all played out! :) take care

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Given your interest, you might want to have a look at this video of Trump in 2022:


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Hadn't seen that! I appreciate the info! I have yet to research project 2025 enough to have an accurate opinion. But clocked 20 hours on the topic.. but. So far? I'm about 50/50.. examples.. the school systems needing to basically be busted down and built back from scratch? I agree with. Indoctrinating children with the transgender and sexual orientation is crazy to me. That's for adults or parents. Not school faculty. Schools also paint the republic party to historically and currently.. be racists..which

Exact opposite is true.. shit, the left literally created the KKK and harass black families AND white Republicans! But.. this p25 agenda seemingly trying to squash anything transgender? Naw fam. Adults in America can do what they want and shouldn't be shamed for it.. I believe Trump knows.. I truly don't think project 2025 is going to be 100% THE LAW! most will get voted on, and Republicans in congress rn are good at knowing the difference between their own personal beliefs vs freewill.. so, only so much of p25 will be realized.

Thx again, that was an interesting watch!

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18Author

You sure spend a lot of time and effort on defending Trump and his Project 2025, "Matt."

Go spread your propaganda bullshit somewhere else, Sergey.

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Part 1: Those particular jobs because they are typically the ones white people don't want to do, and our society will not flourish without them. They are essential, and I have much respect for the people who do those jobs. They're hard, thankless jobs, in most cases, and typically underpaid. I'm well aware that Latinos/Latinas are just as intelligent, motivated, and hard-working as anyone else - even more so than some whites. I'm in California and have many Hispanic and Latino friends and colleagues, and I absolutely

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Jul 10Liked by Introvert Comics, Kamala rocks!

Does that mean that Charlie Kirk wants the return of Native American culture? I guess that bozo doesn't realize or know that the Native Americans were here first. Someone should ask him that.

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Jul 12Liked by Introvert Comics, Kamala rocks!

Wouldn’t it make more sense to round up the fascist cohort and send them to authoritarian countries so they can get a taste of what life is like there before deciding the US should become one?

Lol, silly me. They wouldn’t have any power there. That’s what this is really all about.

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Jul 11Liked by Introvert Comics, Kamala rocks!

One is deluding oneself thinking he’ll stop with putting Latinos into camps. 🤬

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Jul 12Liked by Introvert Comics, Kamala rocks!

Isn't Barron dRumpf an anchor baby?

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Jul 9Liked by Introvert Comics, Kamala rocks!

Charlie Kirk: I don't want America to become...a country of immigrants? The entitlement and stupidity of him looking like that. Only in America...

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Jul 12Liked by Introvert Comics, Kamala rocks!

I ASK this question. It’s not sarcasm. I really want to know how these right wingers expect this to work:

If a person is undocumented and you don’t have any proof of where they were born, how do you deport them? What country takes them? Do you hold them in the camp until they die?

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We get a translator and have them communicate. If they don't want to go BACK to where they came from... sweet. Pick a spot, we dont care, but there's to choices.. pick a spot, we'll get ya there. or, what we dont want... incarnation for breaking the law and coming here illegally. They're human beings, pick a spot, and plz come back, correctly this time. Ya know, we believe in a 2nd chance.

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Does every sovereign nation have to allow America to ship undocumented people into their country? You’d have an undocumented immigrant from China pick, say, Thailand and require Thailand to accept them just because their flight originates in the US?

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First, I appreciate you not busting my nuts on my grahmer here.. I've been working 6am-well rn it's midnight just getting home.. tired n it's not in me to correct everything.

Sooo, lemme see... to be completely honest. I fully support Trump, but I'm not the kind that kisses his ass.. so, when I say this next part, It's not biased. Just a basic fact.

Trump has a long history with negotiations. Businessman. Which is why they very same people (celebs) that adored 15 years ago ..

Sry. Back to topic. Trump gets a hard on for massive amounts of praise. Money isn't a variable so.. praise. Only one thing gets his rocks off harder. That, you ask? Making a deal. And he's easily one of, if not thr world best at it. Mainly because, after idk how many hours of study I've done on him. Trying to figure out "why" people suck his nuts.. reason is, he doesn't ever screw the person over. Check out The Abraham accord declaration. The left.. the "peaceful love tribe"

Create chaos.. its sick. Just step back. And watch the big picture. Trump should have won Nobel peace price by a landslide fkr the Abraham accords. Whoever these people go.. back home or not..he won't just drop them off. He'll meet that country's leader. Shake hands. And start making deals.. deals that literally only benefit the American people. He often times takes a shitty situation, and finds a crazy ass way. Fornthe bad situation to benefit everyone. Amd now in his golden years... it's not to benefit himself monetarily he has coin. It's for American! Now.. does he do it cause he feels glee over his work helping us prosper? Doubtful. Very.

It's for that praise. Baby! It's his drug of choice. But like I say... who cares. We should WANT America to be amaxong..

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How anyone can say tRump 'doesn't screw the person over' is absolutely mind-boggling considering how many subcontractors he has stiffed, people he has tried to steal land from, properties he has under- and overvalued, girls and women he has sexually abused. Oh, and then there's claiming the election results were fraudulent. He's one very, VERY sick human who is ALSO unfit to lead our country.

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I know my anxsr didn't reach a lot of your q"s.. I'm almost asleep. I'll reach back tomorrow:) be safe! Party on

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Starting to think that it could be a good thing since Maga will take this country down to a place no decent folk will want to live in anyway.

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This will lead to a final solution

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Justice ACB could do the bare minimum, to correct the horrific harm the side of the bench she is on has caused, stand up for your own kids of Haitian decent Amy and protect some living human beings for a change.


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Along with critics, librarians, intellectuals, teachers, journalists, etc.

don’t be Bonhoeffer.

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Good job Oliver. It goes beyond millions of Latinos. It’s people from more than 100 countries. Probably 10-15 million but we really don’t have a count for obvious reasons.

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Now if those who support this spew of nonsense will need to do the same for those who overstay their visa. And a large majority of those who do that, look exactly like them.

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If he would have finished the job of putting up the wall instead of confiscating the monies appropriated for it, he wouldn’t have this problem, would he?????

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The Supreme Court has told the states to put the homeless in camps. If you can prevent them from staying in one place, you can put them where you want them.

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A bunch of self-admiring mouthpieces, weirdoes. Given power they’d play rich and glad-hand to rich and pummel hardworking people minding their own business that didn’t see it coming.

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