Thanks for using the d word: dictator. Many Americans probably don't know the definition of 'authoritarian'. It's not only Hitler, it's all the dictators and juntas that have have driven freedom loving people to flee to America over the past century.

The Greek junta (see the film Z). Pinochet (see the film Missing). The Argentinian junta (see the films Los Madres de la Plaza Mayor and The Official Story). The East German secret police (see the film The Lives of Others). And for an American history lesson, see 12 Years a Slave. There are many more excellent films that portray what like is like under a dictatorship.

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Loved your post!

There is one here that might also be of interest to your readers...


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Thanks, great share!

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Project 2025 is just the tip of the iceberg re the very real possibility of a right-wing dictatorship emerging.

Check out this site which features all of the worse-than-horrible suspects.


The sidebar Special Edition on Persecution etc on this site provides a brief description of the soon-to-come horrors http://religiondispatches.org

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We've all stepped into George Orwells true nightmare. The real Nazis are Zionists. Search or read your bibles:

Revelation 2:9 https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Revelation-2-9/

Revelation 3:9 https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Revelation-3-9/

and John 8:44. https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/John-8-44/

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We are all in very serious trouble. Zionist J*wi$h Nazi demons have taken us all on another wild ride to total TYRANNY! God help us all. These deceptive, manipulative psychopathic children of the devil demons have more blood on their hands than any cold-blooded mass murdering genociders in human history. We are heading for total global CIVIL WAR!

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Thank you for putting together this very important post. Would it be possible for you to make some of these video clips individually sharable?

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Thanks for restocking.

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Of course Trump 2.0 is a dictator, he idolizes Hitler. He even keeps a copy of Mein Kampf on his nightstand, according to one of his Chiefs of Staff. I think it was John Kelly.

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This is the best campaign sinker we've seen or are likel to see. And unlike

Cons, we don't have to lie or smear or obfuscate. Like they do. All we have to do is tell the truth . It sells itself. And the key is repetition-repetition-repetition ut thfç.

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Phew that was tough. America, vote blue up and down your ballots!

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It’s Nazi Germany, the Inquisition, McCarthy, Iran and anything else horrific and horrible that happened historically all rolled into one hellscape.

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Why Holocaust survivors compare Trump to Hitler


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You haven’t read either and are actually claiming it’s ridiculous without knowing a damn thing. Didn’t “do your own research” yet are confident. Lol

Your confidence is sorely misplaced. Do come back and share your thoughts when you actually have some real insight, not bullshit.

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Is there a particular point that u disagree with?

Is the BBC not a good enough source for u?

Do you disagree that the 2 out of the 4 key aims I mentioned are not aims associated with Hitler's Nazi's?

Do u think Trump was involved in writing it?

Did he not say that "I disagree with some of the things they’re saying and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal" .........I have nothing to do with them."?

Do u not comprehend that the combination of those factors (His lack of involvement and rejection of much of it would be enough on their own) make calling Project 2025 Trump's modern day version of Mein Kampf absurd regardless of what else is in them?

U seem to be failing to understand the point.

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Hail Trump: White nationalists mark Trump win with Nazi salute


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You fail to understand the points if you haven’t read them. Trump lies every day of his life. Did Trump not say he didn’t know anything about Project 2025 but then went on to say he didn’t agree with some of it. How do you disagree with something you know nothing about? Like you, who agrees with something you haven’t read. Project 2025 was written by those in his prior administration who will have positions in a new one. But agreed that Trump doesn’t have the brain capacity to write a 922 page horror show. Certainly not alone.

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So, he couldn't possibly have obtained a short summary, gotten a general idea about it and perhaps made a couple of comments about it when questioned, then later gotten more details and decided that many of the ideas are terrible wo reading the entire thing?

Pretty sure that's not correct, or even logical.

In fact, that's what I did.

Ur position is that Project 2025 is akin to Trump's modern day Mein Kampf despite agreeing that he, unlike Hitler, had nothing to do with writing it, denounced much of it, and 2 of its 4 main aims bear no resemblance to those of Hitler's Nazi Party.

I must admit defeat.

I am no match for that level of mental gymnastics.

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The Daily Show mocks Trump's Project 2025 denials


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Lol, he didn’t know anything about it to he read a short summary? No logic there. Trump didn’t denounce much of it, he said some of it was abysmal. Which parts did he find so? A summary does not tell you the meat of a proposal. You based your premise on superficial information rather than the core. Try doing a deeper dive.

What’s not logical is having an opinion based on no comprehension of what those core principles actually say.

It doesn’t require mental gymnastics, just the ability to read and have some basic comprehension skills of what you’re reading. The fact that you couldn’t be bothered to do anything than some cursory searching may point to your lack of being able to do either.

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U really can't grasp a very simple concept

U don't need to know everything about either Mein Kampf or Project 2025 to see that calling Project 2025 Trump's modern day version of Mein Kampf is nonsense

I can explain it to u, but I can't understand it for u

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