Jun 20Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Trump Dumpster Fire

It's scary that millions of people support Trump, but what worries me more is that so many good people are paralyzed with despair about our country. We should focus on getting Democrats and moderates to vote for Biden (and Democrats for Congress) in swing states. A candidate does not need to be perfect. Please look at Oath - https://app.oath.vote/ - where you can choose the presidency, Congress, or reproductive rights (or all 3). Oath analyzes thousands of races and tells you where to most effectively donate. If you can't afford to donate money, pls forward to everyone you know. Doing nothing is not an option. Being scared and discouraged does not justify sitting passively. I'm surprised I even need to say this to some friends.

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Jun 23Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Trump Dumpster Fire

I'm an Australian, so some may say it's not my business, but I can't believe how many Americans support Trump blindly "because he's a Christian" (I've correspond with a few) when clearly he's the antithesis of a Christian. What Christian would engage in the sort of behavior that he does? I even have a relative over here who falls into that category. He simply can't or won't see what is in front of his nose every day and thinks the sun shines out of DTs arse. I don't really believe in the devil but if he does exist Trump must have visited the crossroads at some time

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Trump Dumpster Fire

If Trump gets back in the WH the only winners will be pissed off rich white hetero Christianist misogynists and gay haters as well as anyone who needs help from the government, especially the likes of Jeff Bezos who not only paid no taxes in 2011 and 2016 but also claimed and got a $4000 Child Care Tax Credit in one of those years. Also, Elon will do well, all the billionaires and multi millionaires except those few who want to pay actual income taxes.

In all seriousness, though, this 900 page oligarchy's wet dream will amputate whole chunks of the Constitution and there will no longer be a Bill of Rights to protect those not favored by today's supreme court (sic) majority.

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Jun 21Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Trump Dumpster Fire

I watched this and it’s really serious what we are close to allowing our country to become.

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Jun 21Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Trump Dumpster Fire

LOVE John Oliver!

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Jun 20Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Trump Dumpster Fire

I'm so grateful for this! I have recommended it to everyone!

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Jun 21Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Trump Dumpster Fire

That was a good one!! About time!

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Jun 20Liked by Trump Dumpster Fire

That is terrifying!! How can anyone believe this is good for our country???

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Jun 24Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Just saw an AP News article about how P25 folks/advocates are actually researching government employees they deem to be contrary to their aims…this New Era McCarthyism!

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Yes, a guy named Tom Jones & 5-6 othe ppl to scour the internet, especially SM sites to see what they’ve posted, commented, shared, etc. if they aren’t pro trump MAGA, they’ll be the 1st to be fired. Just heard about it today.

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Jun 21Liked by Trump Dumpster Fire

You forgot banning divorce.

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Jun 21Liked by Trump Dumpster Fire

Remarkable. Thankfully: my brain is firing quite well at this time; thank you very munch (😂). Oliver nailed it. My new moniker will temporarily be John Oliver… nah, extraordinary is that episode. I give him, & that episode 10 gold stars. Bingo baby! Bingo!

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Jun 21Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Yes, do root out those Communists, Trump—that would wipe out the RNC Organized Crime Syndicate. It would also wipe out TRump and his connections with the Mogilevich Russian Mob.

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Jun 24Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Schedule F should scare everyone blue.

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Jun 23Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Trump Dumpster Fire

Just watched it. I can’t believe this is happening in America.

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Jun 20Liked by Trump Dumpster Fire

This came up on my feed, like this, take a look……lol

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Lol! Speak of the devil!

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Jun 21Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Trump Dumpster Fire

Haha……What a coincidence, huh.

I read some of the comments on there, and they are completely delusional and very sick people……!!

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Lol yeah! I wonder how many of those comments actually are clueless MAGA dumbfucks, and how many of them are Russian trolls trying to instigate conflict by posting toxic bullshit to radicalize the yokels.

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Jun 21Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Trump Dumpster Fire

Yes, I think you may well be right!

You have to be a real Dumbatz, to believe that bullshit……!

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Good grief, I mean we pretty much knew that’s what they believed, but they sure aren’t being shy about it now. 🤬

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Jun 24Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

👁️ Love this Documentary

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